Health Care Insurance For Retirement

Notice re upcoming course offered at Montgomery College retirement aheadThis course will address the major components of retiree health care: Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Long-Term Care.

Health care costs typically rise at twice the inflation rate, so the course will also address ways to fund this expense through tax-advantaged plans. You will determine the cost of supplemental coverage, evaluate your ability to pay for health care not covered by federal or state programs, and be able to project your health care expenses.

The target audience for this course is those who are newly retired and those who plan to retire within 10 years.

Tuition waiver applies; seniors pay fee only.

Course: LLI699 5 Hours $60 + $62 fee = $122; Non-Md. residents add $120

Rockville Campus CRN#: 35830

2 Sessions 3/30-4/1 M,W  6:30-9 PM

Registration 240-567-5188


Kindly supplied by Richard Beall